Dr. Michael E. Kjelland
Dr. Michael Kjelland, President of Fossil Excavators, LLC, has a diverse experience portfolio having worked over the past several years in Academia, Industry, and Government in such roles as: Assistant Professor of Biology, Postdoc and Research Scientist at Sexing Technologies (Animal Science & Biotechnology), President and CEO of Conservation, Genetics & Biotech, LLC, and Scientist at the U.S. Army Engineer Research & Development Center.
Dr. Kjelland is both a Biologist and an Ecologist with over 15 years of research experience in Biology, Animal Science, Agriculture, Natural Resources Management, Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, Ecology, Biotechnology, Genetics, and Reproductive Science, and Paleontology. Dr. Kjelland is active in the scientific community; teaches workshops; publishes in peer-reviewed scientific journals (more than 70 peer reviewed scientific journal publications), technical reports and government documents (n=9); several patents (with more pending approval); and numerous presentations at both national and international scientific conferences.

Andrea Johnson
Andrea Johnson, Marketing and Field Relations Specialist, has an undergraduate and master's degree in education. She has diverse educational and life experience and believes in core values and integrity. Andrea has many years of field experience, having joined and interned with paleontological expeditions from the age of nineteen, including the excavation of Skull X with her children, amongst assisting in other dig sites. She is a North Dakota native, and understands agriculture, preservation, and education. She is active in 4H with her children and educating them about working, showing and raising livestock. Andrea strives to teach and share with others about paleontology and continuing their own education in whatever avenues and endeavors that may be.

Michael W. Kjelland
Mike Kjelland, Vietnam Veteran, paleontological prospector, as well as our operations and logistics expert. When we have some kind of a technical challenge he can usually come up with a way to solve it. And make no mistake about it, fossil excavation in the Badlands can involve plenty of technical challenges.

Neyl Eagon
Neyl Eagon, our Extraction and Coordination Specialist, is a cattle rancher, Schaeffer's oil representative, Iraq War Veteran, and heavy equipment operator at Fossil Excavators. When we need surgical precision moving delicate and large fossils, Neyl is one of the best to rely on helping get the job done. He has been a part of our expeditions ever since he was a teenager. We would not be able to successfully implement some of our extractions without him. He has played a key important role in supporting Fossil Excavators from the beginning.​​ We also want to mention and pay special tribute to Neyl's father Ron. He was a big part of helping with excavation and operations prior to his passing. He was a great man who is truly missed.

Field Team Leader
Cameron Shepherd, a recent graduate of the University of Massachusetts Amherst with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology and a minor in Geology, is a vertebrate paleontologist with a focus on evolutionary morphology. Through Fossil Excavators LLC, Cameron gained hands-on experience excavating fossils in the Hell Creek, Pierre Shale, Fox Hills, and Dakota Hogback Formation, mastering techniques such as prospecting, fossil extraction, fossil identification, and fossil preparation. His previous research experience includes the creation of 3D models of Astyanax mexicanus from micro-CT data to study the link between genetics and inner evolutionary mechanisms. Cameron is eager to pursue advanced studies in paleontology, driven by a passion for understanding the intimate relationship between ecosystems and the dinosaurs within them. Additionally, he plans to explore the functional morphology of prehistoric creatures, as these two topics are deeply interconnected.